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Reference Number: AA-02208// Views: AA-02208// Created: 2023-07-31 09:46:34// Last Updated: 2023-12-12 12:20:40
Problem & Solution
[EXata] 'EXata-CPS Configuration Failed...' Error at Load / How to Disable IPv6 on the Simulator


When I try to load my RT-LAB or HYPERSIM model to run with EXata, it gives the following error message:

Exata-CPS configuration failed...

Unable to use the interface eno2 as it is configured for host communication


This mechanism is there to be sure that the user does not lose the connection to the target when trying to migrate the eno2 interface into the ns_exata namespace.

However, sometimes, eno2 is indeed not used for host communication but it will nonetheless throw this error and cancel the load. This is most likely because IPv6 is enabled on the target.

Instructions to disable IPv6 (for OPAL-RTLinux3 only) :

1) Connect via MobaXterm and confirm that eno2 is indeed not used for host communication, and confirm that IPv6 is enabled by typing:

ip addr show

2) With the SFTP tab, navigate to '/etc/sysctl.d/'

3) create a new file named '98-disable_ipv6.conf'.

4) Right-click on the newly created file and select select 'Open with default text editor'.

5) Add the following lines in that file

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

6) Save the file. When prompted about replacing the remote file, press yes.

7) Reboot the target and type again ip addr show after the reboot.

There should not be any IPv6 addresses defined anymore for any of the interfaces.

NOTE: The change is permanent. If you want to re-enable IPv6, change the settings from 1 to 0 and reboot the simulator.