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Reference Number: AA-01938// Views: AA-01938// Created: 2020-07-30 15:17:28// Last Updated: 2020-07-30 16:22:28
Problem & Solution
Warning "Please enter a valid index before applying or pressing ok" with eHS Gen 4 gate configuration


I am trying to use the digital input (DIN) channels of the second (or third,...) DIN card of my simulator with eHS Gen 4. 

On entering any index number greater than 32 in the eHS Gate configuration, I get the warning "Please enter a valid index before applying or pressing ok"


  • In the eHS Gen 4 block's Gate Configuration, selecting the gate signal source "Digital Input" allows the user to accept gating signals from a DIN I/O card present in the simulator.

  • The index numbers 1-32 map to DIN channels 00-31 of the DIN I/O card. Thus, specifying the index numbers help to point out to the correct DIN channel. 

  • As one DIN card can have  a maximum of 32 channels, index numbers greater than 32 automatically allow the user to map the gating signals to the second DIN card of the simulator and so on.

  • For example, entering index number 35 would map to the 3rd channel of the second DIN card and an index value of 68 would map to 4th channel of the third DIN card of the simulator (if present)

However, default settings in the eHS Gen4 block may not allow access to all the available DIN cards.

For example, eHS Gen 4 block with eHSx64 form factor by default supports access to 32 channels.

This setting causes the warning message to be displayed, and it is easy to change the attributes of the eHS Gen4 block for avoiding this warning.

  • Go to the Firmware config tab in eHS Gen 4 block and check the option "Use a custom firmware configuration" 

  • Now, we have the choice to edit both the input source configuration and/or the gate source configuration.

  • The default values are shown for user reference, and these are grayed out.

  • Please note, the simulator must contain the actual physical I/O card and your firmware should support it.

In the figure below, we keep the input source config as default but we change the gate source config, basically the NbChannels for Digital Input is changed from 32 to 64. 

This will allow the user to accept gating signals from the second DIN card of the simulator.