Support : Knowledge base

Knowledge Base

Welcome to OPAL-RT’s Knowledge Base

OPAL-RT offers a repository of support information for optimal use of its technology.


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Reference Number: AA-00398// Views: AA-00398// Created: 2009-05-13 05:00:00// Last Updated: 2015-04-22 21:43:43
SimPowerSystems Libraries are missing after installation of Matlab


How do I get the SimPowerSystems Libraries to appear in Simulink?


Matlab SimPowerSystems Libraries are missing from Simulink Library Browser. I have confirmed that SPS has been installed with MATLAB.

Verify that all the Matlab toolbox folders are set in Matlab:

Open MATLAB: File > Set Path >

Verify following folders are in Set Path for Matlab. >> SAVE !

Add folders for ../MatlabXX/Toolbox/physmod/powersys/

 SimPowerSystems Set Path MATLAB:

MATLAB Simulink SPS: