On Demand

The Platform for Complete EMT Simulation Prior to Going to Real Time

OPAL-RT presents HYPERSIM On Demand, a simulation platform to accelerate the prototyping, development and testing of power system equipment. The solution that enables parallel execution of simulation tests on multiple cloud simulators also offers staggering performance gains over standard EMT simulation software.

What You Need, When You Need It

Highlights and Benefits

Use only what you need, when you need it with commitment-free, pay-as-you-go pricing.

Prepare models and scenarios much quicker on your virtual simulators, then use your own machines for the rest.

Extend your model simulation capabilities by as much as required, for only as long as required.

How It Works

Log in to access your virtual simulator(s), view its status, with time used and remaining

Select your virtual simulator

Run HYPERSIM models in accelerated and parallel mode on your virtual simulator

Contact us and choose the number of cores, hours and virtual simulators you need.

We Proudly Use AWS

We proudly use AWS’ (Amazon Web Services’) best-in-class federation and security. Users benefit from a data center/network architecture built to meet the requirements of the most security sensitive organizations.

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