RT24 California

CALIFORNIANovember 6, 2024Register

RT24 California | OPAL-RT’s Regional Conference on Aerospace & Defense Real-Time Simulation

Discover the future of Aerospace & Defense at your Regional RT24 in California, where industry leaders and innovators come together to showcase the latest technologies and advancements in the field. Hosted by OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES, a pioneer in real-time simulation for aerospace, this event is a must-attend for anyone looking to stay ahead in this dynamic industry.

Date: November 6th, 2024

Location: California, United States

Early Bird registration until July, 31 :

Why should you attend RT24?

RT24 California

Re-live previous conference moments!

Thanks to all our users, partners, friends, speakers, and sponsors, our past RT events have brought about some unforgettable moments. We're looking forward to seeing you at #RT24!

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Unlock Exclusive Opportunities and Become a Sponsor!

OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES invites you to join us as a sponsor at RT24 California, the premier aerospace event of the year. This is your chance to align your brand with innovation and leadership in the aerospace industry while gaining valuable exposure and networking opportunities. See some of our previous sponsors:

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, there is a registration fee to attend the event. Register here >

The event will be held in Los Angeles, CA.

Yes, all participants will receive a certificate of attendance after attending RT24.

Yes. All attendees will have access to presentations after the event if speakers agree to share it.

Still have questions? Contact us at rt24-us-west@opal-rt.com with your queries or comments!